Spellforce 2 gold edition solveig
Spellforce 2 gold edition solveig

spellforce 2 gold edition solveig

Talk to him and ask him what this nonsense is about. Honi soit qui mal y pense For some time now Sevenkeeps' Jester has been mocking you, he finds your search for snakenettle amusing. The Snakenettle Hagard says the ambassadress went out to search for a rare herb named snakenettle, which they believe has healing powers. His castle is one of the founder castle in Springs Keep, northwest of Sevenkeeps. Hagard, the magician On the search for a cure against the Plague, the elven ambassadress has called on a magician, Hagard, who has also been doing research on a cure. The elven ambassadress The ambassdress of the elves has her residence in the Silent Glade, a garden int he northwest of town. It is thought she can be found in the Silent Glade, a garden in the north-west of town. The Morhir Although the high elves from Finon Mir withdrew from the Realm a long time ago, their sisters, the Morhir from ELvenkeeps still have an ambassdress in Sevenkeeps. You have to try and obtain their support for your cause. The fighting Morhir, outcast elves guarding the sunken fortress of Dun Mora might be able to help you. The deal with the orc archers behind the walls of the Bullwark you'll need the range and the strength of the elven longbows. A Friend Speak with Einar again once you've have returned from Underhall with the support of the dwarves secured. Now the Portal Stone from the Order could be usefull in giving the Portal back it's power, then travel through it to Underhall. In the home of the Dwarves Jandrim is healed and ready to go, but the portal to Underhall has lost it's magic. Return to him so he can prepare the potion. Jared's Mixture You have obtained all the ingredients for Jared's recipe. Fullfill at least one task to gain their favor. The favor of the craftsman You have to gain the trust and respect of the crafters before they will make a vial. They will only provide the bitter lye you need once you've gained their respect. The Respect of the Priests The priests of the light want you to fullfill at least one task, to gain their trust and respect.

#Spellforce 2 gold edition solveig how to#

Ask the Crafter's Guild Master how to obtain such a vial.

spellforce 2 gold edition solveig

Crystal Vial For the preparation of the sobering up potion Jared needs a fine ground crysta vial such as the crafters of Sevenkeeps can produce. Bitter Lye Jared needs bitter lye as an ingedient for his potion. Talk to Jared Jared, Jandrim's servant knows how to make a potion to bring the dwaf back on his feet. He has tried to drown the resulting sadness and anger and is now in no condition to speak with. The sobering-up potion The portal to Underhall lost it's power and now Jandrim can do nothing to help save his father and their people. Speak to him about obtaining the help of the dwarves and their catapults in the campaign against the Bulwark. The Catapults of Underhall The ambassador of the Dwarves Jandrim Windhammer, the ambassador of the Dwarves can be found in the dwarven quarters in the northern part of Sevenkeeps. A Friend General Einar, an ambassador from the House of Utran from Northander seems to have good intentions towards you and he appears to take the threat posed by the Shadows more seriously then the King. With the advocacy from the Iron Falcons and the Order of Dawn the Shaikan Soul Carrier and the Norcaine Nightsong should be able to obtain an audience with the King. Journeystones Spider Lair Southern Gate Crafters Quarters Farmers Gate Southwest West Sacred Ground The Silent Glade Arcanum of the Magicians University Temple DIstrict of the Priest's Guild Dwarves Quarter Northeast Marketplace of the Trader's Guild The King's Palace Quests Nightsong and the message for the King The King of the Highmark On the highest spot, in the centre of Sevenkeeps, King Ulf, ruler of the Highmark resides. Westguard - Portal lies near the King's Court.The Needle - Portal far to the north-east.

spellforce 2 gold edition solveig

  • Rushwater Downs - Portal far to the south-east.
  • 4.1 Nightsong and the message for the King.

  • Spellforce 2 gold edition solveig